Home » Meeting Minutes » February 9, 2023

February 9, 2023

Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
February 9, 2023

Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Joanne McClusky, Councilwoman

Members Absent: Paul V. Desormo, Councilman
Timothy McAtee, Councilman

Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a roll call of members present at 7:00 pm. Attorney Harringer was also present.

MOTION #21-2023

Supervisor Bartlett moved to adopt the minutes from the January 12, 2023 Regular Meeting, Councilman Prosser seconded.

Ayes All

Supervisor Bartlett opened up the floor for public comment:

Jonathan Adams, Rutland Hollow Rd. addressed the Board concerning expanding the proposed NE Water District across NYS Rte 126 to the Rutland Hollow Rd. The residents in this area have poor quality and quantity water sources. He submitted a letter of request and a petition of the residents as well as a church in this area. He explained the water situation of each of the of the property owners represented on the petition. He asked if the town would suspend the formation of the water district until a study can be done to include their area to the district.

Pat Scordo, GYMO Engineering responded, the next step to the project would be the formation of the water district followed by an adoption of a bond resolution. If the Board decides to do a study to include the areas discussed tonight the map, plan and report will need to be updated. The income survey would also need to be completed to include this area. The result of the new income survey could change funding opportunities that were favorable with the first income survey. Mr. Scordo reached out to G&G Municipal Consulting who did the original income survey. They agreed to do the additional survey to Rutland Hollow Road, Hadcock Road and Overlook Drive area and how it might affect the funding opportunities including possible higher income properties. G&G Municipal Consulting agreed to cap the cost at $4000 to expand the income survey. Mr. Scordo agreed his firm GYMO Engineering, would cap their cost at the same rate to update the map, plan, report and SEQR. Undoubtedly this will cause the project to possibly extend into one more construction season; the original plan was to hopefully get started this summer. Futher cost and funding discussion took place.

MOTION #22-2023

Supervisor Bartlett moved to table any actions on the findings and determination of the formation of the NE Water District. A study will be done to consider the possibility of adding Rutland Hollow and Hadcock Road to the district. Councilman Prosser seconded and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor yes
Paul V. Desormo absent
David D. Prosser yes
Joanne McClusky yes
Timothy McAtee absent

MOTION #23-2023

Supervisor Bartlett moved to extend the contract with GYMO Engineering to include Rutland Hollow and Hadcock Roads to the proposed NE Water District. In addition to authorizing an updated income survey with a cost not to exceed a total cost of $8000.00. Councilwoman McClusky seconded, and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor yes
Paul V. Desormo absent
David D. Prosser yes
Joanne McClusky yes
Timothy McAtee absent

Brandon Hulbert, Weaver Rd. addressed the Board he owns property that fronts on Weaver Rd. and NYS Rte. 126. He inquired about the cost to him having the water district include his property. His home is a couple 1,000 feet away from the water lines on NYS Rte. 126 and is not cost feasible to connect. He asked if he would still be required to pay towards the cost of the district if he was not utilizing the water. He asked the Board to consider including Weaver Rd. in the district.

Supervisor Bartlett informed there would be a yearly charge on Mr. Hulbert’s taxes for the water lateral located on his property. Supervisor Bartlett stated there were many people on Weaver Rd. who did not want the water district so that is not being considered at this time.

Jack Bradley Snyder spoke in regards to the Letteire Tract water system. Recently at a City of Watertown council meeting Councilman Cliff Olney mentioned the possibility of annexing the Lettiere Tract area to the City of Watertown. Mr. Snyder spoke that he and many of the residents in that area are not interested in being annex by the City. He complimented the Town of Watertown services and expressed it is a pleasure to live in the Town of Watertown. He requested if the Town of Watertown could have an appraisal done of the water system and consider the possibility of purchasing the system from Mr. Letteire. He also addressed his concerns with the sewer system. He would ask that there be no City services to this area that might trigger an annexation possibility.

Dan Stern, Birch Lane addressed the Board. He echoed Mr. Snyder’s comments. He inquired if the Town, Mr. Lettiere and some of residents could form a committee to try to come to a solution of who could take ownership of the water system. He suggested getting an appraisal and hiring an engineer to determine the condition and the value of the system.

Supervisor Bartlett asked Mr. Lettiere if he would be willing share the cost of an appraiser to determine the value of the system. Mr. Lettiere said he would need to know the cost involved first, but would consider sharing the fee. He has inquired of the Public Service Commission the names of appraisers that specialize in water systems. He would be willing to sit down with the committee of 4 or 5 and review the expenses that he has with the water system.

Supervisor Bartlett ask Mr. Stern and Councilman Prosser if they would be interested in being on the committee. They both agreed to take part in the discussions with Mr. Lettiere. Supervisor Bartlett will ask a couple more members of the community to be involved with the committee.

Another resident from the Sunset Ridge area addressed the Board. She complimented the highway department and what a good job they do maintaining town roads in the town. She inquired if there was infrastructure money that could be used to rebuild the lines and if the services that extend to the houses would also need to be replaced.

Supervisor Bartlett replied the town is not in a position to purchase the water district; it would have to be purchased and maintained by the residents within the district. Bonding will be difficult because of the age and usefulness left of the system. The service entrances would be the responsibility of the homeowners. He gave an update of the sewer upgrades and repairs that are being worked on to satisfy the Consent Order received from the NYSDEC and the EPA concerning the sewer treatment plant.
Jim Lettiere asked if the committee could be formed and meet within the next week or so to get started on negotiations concerning the water district. He asked Supervisor Bartlett to pick a couple more residents from the area for the committee. Mike Colello also agreed to be on the committee Supervisor Bartlett will find one more volunteer. In the meantime, they will find an appraiser that specializes in water districts.

No one else wished to speak; the floor was closed.

Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerk Report.

Town Clerk’s Correspondence:

A letter from the Department of Labor notifying the Town that Runnings Store, 21082 Pioneer Plaza Dr. Watertown NY is allowed to legally store explosive at this magazine location
From 11/9/2022-11/30/2023


MOTION #24-2023

WHEREAS, the Town Council is in receipt of a request from the 1812 Lacrosse Sports and Entertainment Organization for a Grant of Bed Tax and Community Development Funds to underwrite promotional expenses associated with promoting their 1812 Shootout, a lacrosse tournament that brings thousands of visitors to the area and generates several thousands of dollars in tourism revenues for the area; and

WHEREAS, funds were made available for such purpose in the 2023 fiscal year budget.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town of Watertown Council hereby authorizes a grant of Bed Tax and Community Development Funds in the amount of $5,000.00 contingent on the execution of the agreement.

Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser, and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor yes
Paul V. Desormo absent
David D. Prosser yes
Joanne McClusky yes
Timothy McAtee absent

Chad Green addressed questions concerning the organization Councilwoman McClusky had.

MOTION #25-2023

WHEREAS, the shared service agreement between the Town of Watertown and the NYSDOT wherein in a non-declared emergency allows the sharing of services and materials between the NYSDOT and the Town of Watertown; and

WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of the current agreement will expire this year and a new contract (on file in the Clerk’s Office) must be executed to provide the continuation of shared services between the two parties; and

WHEREAS, it is to the Towns benefit to participate within the terms of a new agreement for a four year period.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute said agreement between the NYSDOT and the Town of Watertown under the terms and conditions enumerated therein for a four (4) year period commencing February 9, 2023 and expiring February 9, 2027.

Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser, and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor yes
Paul V. Desormo absent
David D. Prosser yes
Joanne McClusky yes
Timothy McAtee absent

MOTION #26-2023

WHEREAS, the Town has engaged the services of GYMO Engineers to provide a map plan and report to Town on a proposed NE Water District (Water District 7) which includes district formation and engineering services; and

WHEREAS, a contract service agreement for said services (on file in the Clerk’s Office) outlining the fees, terms and conditions of the contract is necessary.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf the Town of Watertown.

Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser, and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor yes
Paul V. Desormo absent
David D. Prosser yes
Joanne McClusky yes
Timothy McAtee absent

MOTION #27-2023

WHEREAS, it is necessary to retain Bond Counsel for the purpose of performing short term and long term bonding or borrowing on behalf of the Town of Watertown water and sewer districts as well as general bonding services; and

WHEREAS, the legal firm of Barclay Damon is registered NYS Bond Counsel and has provided an engagement letter to provide these services for the Town.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the fee for service agreement between the Barclay Damon Legal Firm and the Town of Watertown for the fiscal year 2023.

Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser, and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor yes
Paul V. Desormo absent
David D. Prosser yes
Joanne McClusky yes
Timothy McAtee absent

MOTION #28-2023

Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.

Utilities paid prior to the meeting
General Vouchers # 21 to 22, 45 Total $ 10,734.64
Highway Vouchers # 48 to 48 Total $ 21,212.98
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 14 to 14 Total $ 6,933.34

Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 23 to 44 Total $ 15,066.84
Highway Vouchers # 26 to 47 Total $ 46,072.79
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 15 to 26 Total $ 177,705.03

Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser, and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:

Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor yes
Paul V. Desormo absent
David D. Prosser yes
Joanne McClusky yes
Timothy McAtee absent

The Board went into executive session at 8:25 pm to discuss the town’s investment policy.
The Board reconvened at 8:30 pm.

New Business

Supervisor Bartlett informed the Board that at next month’s meeting they will be asked by the Town Fire Department to implement at 10% property assessment exemption for volunteer fire department members who live in the town. The town presently has no property tax but it could offer the exemption as a support to the fire department members.

MOTION #29-2023

Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm, seconded by Supervisor Bartlett.

Ayes All

Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk

Comments are closed.