
For detailed information including hours of operation address information and directions, please click on the name of the department below. If you are unable to find the department you are looking for, please contact the town clerks office or email us at [email protected]



Department Contact Name Title Telephone
Supervisor Joel Bartlett Town Supervisor (315) 782-2069
Town Clerk Pamela Desormo Clerk
Tax Collector
(315) 782-8248
Catherine Rich Deputy Clerk
(315) 782-8248
Town Court Steven Munson Judge
Matthew Porter Judge
Susan Burdick Court Clerk (315) 782-0412
Darcia Grave Court Typist (315) 782-0412
Town Council Joanne McClusky
Michael Perkins
David Prosser Deputy Supervisor (315) 782-8078
Robert Syle
Board of Assessment Review John Deal
Anthony Netto
Randy Vaas (315) 232-2749
Zoning Enforcement David Ross (315) 782-8248
[email protected]
Health Officer Thomas Boxberger (315) 782-8248
Highway Department Ted Clement Highway Superintendent (315) 782-2781
Assessor Roger Tibbetts (315) 232-7647
Planning Board Thomas Boxberger Co-Chairman (315) 782-8248
Pamela Desormo Co-Chairman (315) 782-8248
James Smith
Terry McAdam
Randy Vaas
Zoning Board of Appeal Robert Wormwood (315) 782-8248
Brandon Cooney
Mike Dulmage
Robin Kiernan
Jennifer Knapp
Refuse & Recycling Ray Lean (315) 777-3097
Water & Sewage

The Town of Watertown Clerk’s Office will be accepting applications for a part time/full time position.  Applicants must be full time residents of the Town of Watertown.   All letters of interest including a resume for appointment to the position mailed to the Town Clerks Office, 22867 Co Rte 67, Watertown, NY 13601