Regular Meeting
Municipal Building
August 8, 2024
Members Present: Joel R. Bartlett, Supervisor
David D. Prosser, Councilman
Joanne McClusky, Councilwoman
Michael Perkins, Councilman
Robert Slye, Councilman
Members Absent:
Supervisor Bartlett opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a roll call of members present at 7:00 pm. Attorney Harrienger was also present.
MOTION #83-2024
Supervisor Bartlett moved to adopt the minutes from the July 11th, 2024 Regular Board Meeting, Councilman Prosser seconded.
Ayes All
Supervisor Bartlett called to order the public hearing concerning the adoption of the New York Fair Housing Plan at 7:00 pm. He asked that anyone who wished to address the Council on the subject to please state their name for the record.
Mike Harrienger, Co. Rte. 67 addressed the Board. He is concerned about the possible development of the prison property on Swan Road. He worries that the decline of the area will affect the value of his property as well as others in the town.
Supervisor Bartlett responded with an update. Relative to recent water breaks, including the one fixed by the public works department today in the cemetery. He will be asking the town engineers to dig up the old plans for the prison, and to recommend condemnation of the water line from the City. This would mean there would be no development of housing at the prison until the State of New York demolishes the prison, as well as the falling down housing development the front in of the prison. They would be required to build a new water pump station and all new infrastructure before a new development could go forward. This would be his recommendation. He will send a letter to the Attorney General’s Office and the Office of General Services with the assistance of the Town Legal Counsel. He added not to worry about any permanent housing being built, or any RFP being developed at the prison location until this work is done. The Town has gotten little response from the past two citations that were sent to the Office of General Services Department of Corrections. These were sent concerning the unsafe building code violations at the former military housing. He will do everything he can, as the Town Supervisor to make sure that no housing is developed there until the State cleans up the existing mess. The Town has not taken over the deed to the property, only the maintenance agreement for the water lines to service the properties in the Boulder Ridge Development.
No one else wished to speak; the public hearing was closed at 7:10 pm.
Supervisor Bartlett called to order the public hearing concerning Proposed Local Law: #2 of 2024 an Update to the Zoning Code 107 at 7:11 pm. The Board took into consideration the comments from the Jefferson County Department of Planning. No one wished to speak; the public hearing was closed at 7:12 pm.
Mr. Tackley from the Rohde Center Food Pantry addressed the Board. He thanked them for their continued financial support for the food pantry. He informed the Board of the success of the program for so many families in the Southern Jefferson area. He presented the Board members with information detailing statistics of the program. He asked the Board to please consider their program again in the 2025 budget.
Mike Altieri, BCA Engineering addressed the Board on updates to projects in the Town.
Water District #1 – Sewer District #2 Extension Project NYS Rte. 3: He reviewed the projected budget and change orders. This project should be completed by the end of the year. The water main is going to be tested and activated, and hopefully approved by the Health Department next week.
Water District #1 – NYS Rte 12F Project: The water main installation project is replacing some of the oldest water mains in the Town. The new piping is almost completely installed. There was a lengthy delay due to National Grid easements. There was also a hold up with the contractors but they are now back on the job. They do not expect any change orders coming up. He stated for the most part, financially, this project is probably well under budget at this point. After the water main is installed, the sites that were affected will be restored to their original condition.
Projects in Design:
Water District #4 Extension (Northland Estates)- They are hoping to close on financing next month with EFC they have a $5,000,000 WEA Grant associated with it and 0% interest financing for 30 years. Also, there is a grant with CDBG. They are very well advanced in design. The grants are really helping to lower the user costs. The highest cost will be the purchasing of the water from the City.
Discussion took place concerning the meters to the park residents. Supervisor Bartlett stated the Clerk’s Office should look into a billing package that will work with the new meters being installed for the new districts in town as well as the current customers.
Sewer District No. 1- Lettiere Tract Area – Background; the City as well as the Town are under NYSDEC consent orders. The Town is essentially not meeting the discharge permit parameters, and are also under requirement to provide for disinfection there. As per the City consent order the town cannot discharge to their system because it is considered too encumbered by the City to increase additional flows. So, he is back to the plan to rebuild the wastewater treatment facility. They are reapplying on behalf of the Town for a grant that was previously approved two rounds ago. This was rescored, and that grant got taken away. They do not consider replacing or putting in a lift station to pump to a neighboring system as high scoring as replacing a wastewater treatment plant system to treat your own sewage. The plan is to essentially to go back to the same posture we were two or three years ago; they would reapply for that same grant. The town was awarded a $1,000,000 grant through DECWQIP. Mr. Altiere explained the concept of new treatment station. This will keep the existing system running, which has been actually performing okay. The sand filters are completely rehabilitated there, that was where the trouble was for a while.
Supervisor Barlett commented that this upgrade will be large enough to except discharge waste from Sewer Districts 4, 5 and 6. This way the town would no longer have any flows contributing to the Western outflow to the City.
Mr. Scordo, GYMO Engineering approached the Board concerning the proposed Lettiere Tract/ Ives Street Road Water District. Mr. Scordo offered to give Mr. Slye an overview of the plan on private time as not to take up meeting time. He presented the figures for the potential purchase from Jim Lettiere of his water district. He suggested to the Board a couple of informational meetings with the residents in that area. This would allow them to ask questions and find out what their cost would be to purchase the district from Mr. Lettiere.
Supervisor Bartlett presented the Board with the cost comparison between financing the district for 30 and 38 years. After discussion the Board agreed to notify the residents on a 30-year financing scenario. Supervisor Bartlett suggested scheduling the meetings Tuesday August 20th and Thursday August 22nd at 7:00 pm here at the Town Municipal Offices. In advance of these meetings the cost breakdown along with notice of the meetings will be sent to each of the property owners. Following the meetings, if 51% of the residents agree to purchase the district, the project would move forward for bonding and financing. He suggested the residence could sign the petition and have them notarized at either one of these meetings or take time to think about it and stop back at a later time to get them notarized.
Attorney Harrienger advised the petitions should be circulated by the residents of the district. It is not something the Town should be actively involved in.
David Soderquist, Lettiere Tract asked the Board if the residents could call Mr. Scordo if they could not make either of these meetings. He asks if the town had applied for grant funding, to help with the purchase of the district. He also asked if it would be possible for the residents who wanted to, to pay their share of cost upfront rather than amortize over 30 years to save the interest. Mr. Soderquist asked if the engineer would explain to the residence at the meeting the cost in interest to finance over 30 years as well as the fact, they are buying an aged system that might require upgrades in the near future.
Supervisor Bartlett answered the residence could stop up to the Clerk’s Office to sign the petitions if they could not make either of the meetings. He informed Mr. Soderquist the residents in this area have to high of income levels to be eligible for any grant funding. Most grant funding is for new district construction not the purchases of older infrastructure.
MOTION #84-2024
Supervisor Bartlett moved to schedule two Special Meetings with the residents of the Lettiere Tract/ Ives Steet area concerning the possibility of purchasing the Lettiere Tract water system, and any other town business that comes before the Board. Said meetings will be scheduled Tuesday August 20th and Thursday August 22nd at 7:00 pm. Meeting will be held at the Town Municipal Building, 22867 County Road 67, Watertown NY 13601. Motion was seconded by Councilman Prosser
Ayes All
Mr. Scordo commented that they have notified the involved agencies concerning SEQR for Water District #7, Northeast Water District. If by the first week in September when the 30 days have passed and there is no objection, the Town can take Lead Agent for SEQR purposes.
Supervisor Bartlett opened the floor for public comment:
Chad Green, on behalf of the 1812 Sports Organization wanted to thank the Town for their support over the last 30 years. He presented the Board with an artist rendering of where they host the event each year in Sackets Harbor along with the thank you card.
Aaron Netto, owns property on Hadcock Road and Ridge Road in the town. He asked if the Board would consider including his property in the Water District 7 system while they are in the construction phase. His property is not far from where the project ends on Hadcock Road. He would like to subdivide and build 3 new homes there.
Supervisor Bartlett responded the problem being, the project is already in the design phase. It was cost prohibited, to extend past this point. Every time the town extends the district and has to redraw the lines it costs money and delays the start time for the project.
Penny McKenna, Hadcock Road responded she was included in a proposed water district years ago. She is upset she was not notified or asked to sign a petition when this district was formed. She would like the opportunity to be included in the water district.
Joe Myer, Co. Rte 60 (Floral Drive), addressed the Board. He has come here several times over the past 11 years asking for water to be extended on his road. He stated at that time, the property now known as Alexander Drive was still farmland. The water district was extended to this property and Floral Drive was left out. He inquired if the Water District #1 project was on budget. He asked if there was money left over when the project is complete, would the town use those funds for a study to possibly extend the water on Floral Drive.
Supervisor Bartlett commented he could not respond yet to funds left over. With inflation he anticipates there will be no funds left when the project is complete. If there are funds left and the Board chooses, they could allocate it for a study.
Attorney Harrienger explained the process to form a new district. She explained that New York State sets a threshold for how much a property owner can be charged for water services. A map, plan and report will need to be completed to see if this water district would meet that threshold.
William Pfaff, NYS Rte 232 inquired of where the future water line to the Northland Estates Trailer Park would cross over from NYS Rte 232.
Mr. Altieri, BCA Associates explained the plan they are working on with (USDA) Rices Road Corp. is for a utility easement for the water main. Details are still being worked on.
David Soderquist, corner of Holcomb and Orchard Drive, Lettiere Tract addressed the Board. On the 16th of July there was 2.35 inches of rain. He has serious problems with flooding on Orchard Dr. next to his house. He contacted Ted Clement, Highway Superintendent who was very good about helping him. He put cold patch where the road collapsed the same day. Mr. Clement explained some of the problems with the culverts in that area. Also at the Niagara Mohawk substation, he understands the culvert underneath the road has collapsed. Many of the residents in the Lettiere Tract neighborhood are concerned with flooding.
Supervisor Bartlett responded there is grant funding available to put it in storm water systems. The town engineers are working on a grant application for that project and hopes to get approved.
Mr. Altieri added that any letters of support from the residents to include with the grant application could help with the approval process.
No one else wished to speak; the floor was closed
Supervisor Bartlett accepted the Town Clerk’s Report.
MOTION #85-2024
Supervisor Bartlett moved to reschedule the Regular September Board Meeting to September 19, 2024 at 7:00 pm, seconded by Councilman Slye.
Ayes All
MOTION #86 -2024
WHEREAS, it is necessary to solicit for sealed bids to furnish the Town with minimum of 1,500 yards of screened and loaded sand for the highway department use in the winter months; and
WHEREAS, the Town will accept sealed bids accompanied by a non-collusion statement on the sale to Town of Watertown of said material up until Thursday September 19, 2024 at 3:00 pm; and
WHEREAS, all sealed bids will be reviewed for compliance with the General Municipal Law (competitive bid requirements) and the bid winner will be awarded to the most responsive and responsible bidder at the Thursday, September 19, 2024 Town Council meeting.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a public notice in the official newspaper of the Town calling for sealed bids to be received at the Town of Watertown Town Clerk’s Office up until 3:00 pm, Thursday September 19, 2024.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Town Council retains the right to accept or deny any and all bids not in compliance with the General Municipal Law (competitive bid requirements).
The foregoing Resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, and seconded by Councilman Prosser, and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:
Supervisor Bartlett yes
Councilman Prosser yes
Councilwoman McClusky yes
Councilman Perkins yes
Councilman Slye yes
MOTION #87 -2024
WHEREAS, there are outstanding balances for 3 water tower accounts of 5 years or more of $386.28.
WHEREAS, several attempt have been made to collect the outstanding balances at no avail.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town of Watertown Town Board approves the cancelation of debt on these accounts to ease the burden of bookkeeping in the Clerk’s Office.
Discussion took place.
Supervisor Bartlett moved the foregoing resolution, seconded by Councilman Prosser.
Supervisor Bartlett yes
Councilman Prosser yes
Councilwoman McClusky yes
Councilman Perkins yes
Councilman Slye yes
MOTION #88 -2024
WHEREAS, public works employee Jacob O’Brian has reached his employment anniversary date and is entitled to a wage grade increase from MEO-2 to MEO-1.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Jacob O’Brian is hereby promoted from wage grade MEO-2 to MEO-1 at the new hourly rate of $25.22 per hour starting with pay period #18, August 12, 2024.
A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett and seconded by Councilman Prosser, and upon a roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:
Supervisor Bartlett yes
Councilman Prosser yes
Councilwoman McClusky yes
Councilman Perkins yes
Councilman Slye yes
MOTION #89 -2024
WHEREAS, This Board recognizes that housing opportunities should not be limited to individuals due to discriminatory practices in the sale or rental of housing; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Watertown has prepared a draft Fair Housing Plan based upon the model promulgated by the New York State Office of Community Renewal, which is on file with the Clerk of this Board; and
WHEREAS, This Board did duly advertise and hold a public hearing on August 8, 2024 to solicit comment on said draft Fair Housing Plan; and
WHEREAS, This Board recommends adoption of this resolution; and
WHEREAS, This Board wishes to publicly state its continued commitment to Fair Housing and specify the types of actions that the Town of Watertown staff shall undertake to promote Fair Housing throughout the Town of Watertown; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the adoption of the Town of Watertown Fair Housing Plan would change the designation of the Fair Housing Officer from the Commissioner of Social Services to the Town of Watertown Enforcement Code Officer:
1. Conduct an annual public meeting on Fair Housing and report the steps
taken to address fair housing issues cited,
2. Maintain information regarding housing discrimination complaints,
3. Receive and maintain housing discrimination complaints,
4. Forward housing discrimination complaints to the Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity Division of the applicable office of the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development,
5. Provide information to and refer individuals making housing discrimination complaints to appropriate entities and organizations to provide legal and other aid,
6. Distribute and post information on Fair Housing and where to make complaints on discriminatory housing practices, and
7. Draft proclamations, resolutions, and press releases to publicize April of each year as the Town of Watertown Fair Housing month in promoting the Town of Watertown’s commitment to Fair Housing and methods for the public to obtain fair housing information and make complaints of discriminatory housing practices; and further
RESOLVED, that the adoption of the Town of Watertown Fair Housing Plan constitutes a minor change in departmental responsibilities in the continuation of the Town of Watertown’s commitment to Fair Housing; and further
RESOLVED, the adoption of the Town of Watertown Fair Housing Plan is hereby determined to be a class Il action exempt from review under the NYS Environmental Quality Review Act and its implementing regulations found at 6 NYCRR Part 617 as it involves the adoption of regulations, policies, procedures and local legislative decision in connection with routine or continuing agency administration and management and does not involve a major reordering of priorities that may affect the environment; and further
RESOLVED, that the Town of Watertown Fair Housing Plan on file with the Clerk of this Board is hereby adopted; and further
RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect immediately.
A motion to adopt the foregoing resolution was made by Supervisor Bartlett and seconded by Councilman Slye, and upon a roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:
Supervisor Bartlett yes
Councilman Prosser yes
Councilwoman McClusky yes
Councilman Perkins yes
Councilman Slye yes
MOTION #90-2024
RESOLUTION #8 of 2024
WHEREAS, the Town Board for the Town of Watertown, New York is interested in enacting a Local Law #2-2024 that will address updates the Zoning Code within the Town in accordance with the most recent laws in New York; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the proposed legislation and has further determined that none of the Town’s currently existing Local Laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations address the same.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Watertown, New York as follows:
1. The forgoing recitation is incorporated herein and made a part hereof as if set forth herein.
2. The Town Board hereby enacts the Local Law to update the Zoning Code being in the best interests of the Town of Watertown.
3. The Supervisor for the Town of Watertown, and the Town Clerk, their respective agents and employees are hereby authorized to sign all documents and take all steps necessary to enact this legislation.
4. This Legislation shall be filed with the New York State Department of State and shall become effective thereafter.
5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
The foregoing Resolution was offered by Supervisor Bartlett, and seconded by Councilman Prosser, and upon roll call vote of the Board was duly adopted as follows:
Supervisor Bartlett yes
Councilman Prosser yes
Councilwoman McClusky yes
Councilman Perkins yes
Councilman Slye yes
MOTION #91-2024
Supervisor Bartlett moved to pay the following abstracts as audited.
Utilities paid prior to the meeting
General Vouchers # 147 to 149 Total $ 8,674.83
Highway Vouchers # 119 to 119 Total $ 22,688.88
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 91 to 91 Total $ 8,407.43
Vouchers approved for monthly meeting
General Vouchers # 150 to 166 Total $ 20,706.96
Highway Vouchers # 120 to 133 Total $ 6,388.10
Spec. Dist. Vchrs. # 92 to 100 Total $ 130,473.43
Councilman Prosser seconded the motion.
Supervisor Bartlett yes
Councilman Prosser yes
Councilwoman McClusky yes
Councilman Perkins yes
Councilman Slye yes
MOTION #92 -2024
Councilman Prosser moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm, seconded by Councilman Perkins.
Ayes All
Pamela D. Desormo, Town Clerk